About Us

 Hi! My name is Alex, and I am the owner and founder of Bella V Tots.

I am a busy mama (aren't we all!?) to 2 energic kids, and a German/British expat who landed in Vancouver by way of China (where I met my Canadian husband).

In my pre-kids life I had a fast-paced career in luxury hotel sales, but after giving birth to my first son Vincent in 2016, I decided to take a step back to re-evaluate and seek that oh-so-sought-after (and imaginary, as most mums can attest to) work/life balance.

In doing so, I spent a lot of time dressing my baby-turned toddler, and reignited my love for fashion – this time, through my little guy. I absolutely loved (and still love!) finding that balance between trendy, cool kids clothing that is comfortable AND practical for our little ones.

Another baby later (this time a precocious and strong-willed daughter, Jasmine) and I knew my seed of an idea needed to come to fruition. 

Throw a global pandemic in the mix and I decided it was finally time to make this happen...Bella V Tots was officially born at the end of 2020!

It truly is as simple as that. I hope your little one with love rocking Bella V Tots gear, as much as I did creating them!

To support local businesses as much as possible, everything is made right here in Vancouver BC. From sourcing our fabrics to production, we are home grown in every way!


Fun Facts: 

The name Bella V Tots was inspired by my kids. My daughter’s middle name, Isabella, and V for my son Vincent.

I grew up all over the world, so travel is pretty much engrained in my DNA.

I have a massive, sweet tooth, as well as an unhealthy obsession with anything spicy. Chili pepper dark chocolate anyone!?

When I'm not with my kids or busy with Bella V Tots I am working at a premier bridal boutique in Vancouver helping brides find their dream wedding gowns (did I mention I love fashion?!)

Thank you so much for stopping by, and for every single order, share, like, ALL. OF. IT. Your support means the absolute world to me. I can't begin to thank you enough.

